Health & Wellness Webinars in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Saturday, August 29, 2020, at 9:30 AM – Rural Healthcare Response to COVID-19 Threats and Options Presenter: J. David McCormack, MBA, CEO Vaughan Regional Medical Center
J David McCormack has made his name among healthcare providers in Selma and Dallas County as an advocate for access to healthcare. He has been the CEO of Vaughan Regional Medical Center since 2016 and lauds the medical professionals at the Center for their self-sacrifice and service. He is also the Co-Owner and Publisher of the Healthy Horizons Magazine.
McCormack sees challenges as opportunities; articulates clear vision; and secures buy-¬in for strategic plans from key stakeholders throughout organization. He is known as a high-¬energy, hands-¬on leader known for rounding throughout hospital to solve issues in real-¬time and establish relationships from the ER to the C-¬suite.
McCormack received his BA in Accounting at Auburn University and his MBA at Florida Atlantic University in Accounting and Business Management and has served as CEO and CFO at seven different Medical Centers and hospitals in Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. He is a proponent of Medicaid Expansion as he views the closing of rural hospitals and the lack of investment in healthcare as a serious issue.